
Session Board
The board of session consists of the following members: Karen Krummert (Missions), Patti Petrak (Congregational Life), Patti Phillippi (Christian Education), Cindy Rosaci (Finance), Dave Schweinsberg (Building and Grounds) and Linda Scott (Worship). Rev. Dr. Rob Guy serves as the moderator and the Clerk of Session is Cindy Rosaci.
The session has responsibility and power to:
A) provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard. This responsibility shall include providing a place where the congregation may regularly gather for worship, education, and spiritual nurture; providing for regular preaching of the Word by a teaching elder or other person prepared and approved for the work; planning and leading regular efforts to reach into the community and the world with the message of salvation and the invitation to enter into committed discipleship; planning and leading ministires of social healing and reconciliation in the community in accordance with the prophetic witness of Jesus Christ; and initiating and responding to ecumenical efforts that bear witness to the love and grace of God.
B) provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received. This responsibilty shall include authorizing the celebration of the Lord's Supper at least quarterly and the administration of Baptism as appropriate, in accordance with the principles of the Directory for Worship; and exercising pastoral care among the congregation in order that the Sacraments may be received as a means of grace, and the congregation may live in the unity represented in the Sacraments.
C) nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ. This responsibilty shall include receiving and dismissing members; reviewing the roll of active members at least annually and counseling with those who have neglected the responsibilities of membership; providing programs of nurture, education, and the fellowship; training, examining, ordaining, and installing those elected by the congregation as ruling elders and deacons; encouraging the graces of generosity and faithful stewardship of personal and financial resources; managing the physical property of the congregation for the furtherance of its mission; directing the ministry of deacons, trustees, and all organizations of the congregation; employing the administrative staff of the congregation; leading the congregation in participating in the mission of the whole church; warning and bearing witness against error in doctrine and immorality in practice within the congregation and community; and seving in judicial matters in accordance with the Rules of Discipline.

Deacon Board
The board of deacons consists of: Kathryn Cook, Scot Dennis, Norma Fisher, Rachael Guidry, Lee Little, Gary MacDonald, Karen MacDonald, Sue Marshall and Dave Phillippi, The deacons have responsibility and power to:
The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.
G-2.0201, Book of Order

Building and Grounds
This committee looks after the needs of our property so that it can continue to be used for ministry and mission.

Christian Education
This committee seeks to provide opportunities for us to grow in the Christian faith throughout our lives. It assists the children and youth with the opportunity to attend Summer Camp as well as weekly Sunday School classes and special events.

Congregational Life
This committee develops ministries for our members to be in fellowship and mission throughout the community and beyond. Fall Fest is part of their activities. They look forward to expanding our outreach to the surrounding community.

Finance Committee
This committee cares for our financial stewardship so that we have the ability to be in ministry and mission throughout God's world. Stewardship is more than money. It is about how we use all the gifts and talents that God has given us as a congregation.

Mission Committee
The committee provides information and education about the missionaries and the work of spreading the love of God in Christ at home and abroad.

Worship Committee
This committee coordinates those events that enable us to worship in meaningful ways. The decorations for each season and the providing of times for baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion all fall under their domain.

Nominating Committee
The board consists of: Rev. Dr. Rob Guy, Chairperson Elder Linda Scott, Vice Chairperson Patti Phillippi, DeaconGary MacDonald and Members at Large: 2018-Debby Boring and Kristin Minkus; 2019-Donna Cook and Scott McCarty and 2020-Sally Pander and Susan Sommers

Personnel Committee
The board consists of Rev. Dr. Rob Guy Chairperson Elder Cindy Rosaci, Vice Chairperson Karen Krummert, Deacon Gary MacDonald and Member at Large Sandy Gallaher.

The committee consists of Patti Phillippi (2018), Susan Sommers (2019) and Kristin Minkus (2020).
The committee conducts a full financial review of all financial books and records every year.