April 2015
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette wrote the words to the following hymn to be sung to the tune of “Standing on the Promises.” The old tune reminds us that God’s promises are always new because God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. May the old story of Christ’s resurrection bring you daily renewal through his risen power.
“Early on a Sunday, women went to weep
At the tomb of Jesus, for their pain was deep.
All their hopes were shattered, they had lost their friend,
Till they heard: his death was not the end!
Christ is risen!
Shout your alleluias and go share the good news!
Love and serve him,
For God has given life and hope anew.
Death has been defeated, with its pain and strife;
God has opened wide for us eternal life
God has given Christians that new life to share,
Bringing love and justice everywhere. Refrain
Every week we celebrate your Easter Day,
As we come to worship you, sing and pray.
We recall the empty tomb and know your grace
And your living presence in this place. Refrain
Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!
May others know the good news because they see Him in us.
Your Pastor and Friend,
Dr. Dan
6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Dinner
7:00 p.m. Service of Holy Communion in the tradition of the Passover Feast (Both the dinner and the Service will be in the Fellowship Hall)
12:00 Noon Community worship at Calvin Presbyterian
7:00 p.m. Service of the Tenebrae (in our sanctuary)
Jointly conducted by Slippery Rock & WUM Church
April 5th EASTER
7:00 a.m. Community Sunrise at Slippery Rock Cemetery
11:00 a.m. “Called By Name”
Isaiah 25:6-9 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18
“The Eighth Day of Creation”
Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20”19-31
“Open Our Minds”
Psalm 4 1 John 1:3-7 Luke 24:36b-48
“What About the Other Sheep?”
Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18
The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the church on Saturday, April 4 at 10 a.m. Don’t forget to bring your basket.
Our collection for the Ellwood City Ministerium Food Bank will be on Sunday, April 5. Donations of food and paper products are greatly appreciated. Donations can be left in the narthex. Please see Dr. Dan is you would be willing to take a turn delivering the donations to the food bank.
The monthly continental breakfast will be canceled for April due to Easter.
Our monthly collection for the humanitarian fund will be held on Sunday, April 5. All loose monies in the offering are given to this fund, which is used by the pastor to help those in need.
The next committee meetings will be held on Sunday, April 12 following the worship service. A lunch is provided. Session members will gather at 1 p.m.
A meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. for the women of the church. The Helen Hines Circle will be hostesses and have a program. The yearly birthday offering will be received.
The Spring Gathering is scheduled for Saturday, April 18. The program will be “God’s Girls”. More information will be coming.
The ladies of Slippery Rock Presbyterian Church have invited the ladies of our church to their annual salad supper on Monday, April 27 at 6 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Kathleen Griffin who serves as a missionary to the people of Argentina. Katie teaches church history at the Instituto Superior Evangeloci de Estudios Teologicos (ISEDET) in Buenos Aires, a theological institute that serves nine denominations. Her special concern for the lives of lower class women in Argentina is reflected in her vocation as a professor, as a scholar, and in her commitment as a Christian believer. Reservations are needed to Patti Phillippi or Cindy Rosaci by Sunday, April 19.
Spring Gathering News: Come and celebrate Spring and the many gifts that God has given us! Saturday, April 18, from 9 a.m. - lunch at Bessemer Presbyterian Church (29 North Main Street, Bessemer, PA 16112, 724-667-7255.. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. Along with the Annual Business Meeting, the Spring Gathering will showcase the myriad of talent within our own PWs. If your PW has a talent that can be shared (such as singing, dancing, exhibition, etc.), consider a 3-5 minute performance at the gathering. Deadline to register for lunch ($6 per person) is April 10th. Deadline for the talent registration is April 4th. See Patti Phillippi or Cindy Rosaci for the registration form.
The annual Deacon’s rummage sale will be held Thursday April 23rd, 9am to 3pm and Friday April 24th, (bag day) from 9am to noon. We welcome donations of clean usable clothing, flea market items, and appliances that are labeled as working. We cannot accept TV’s, cell phones, or computers. We will only accept shoes that are clean and new or like new in appearance. We welcome all bake sale donations. The barrels will be in the Narthex and near the back door landing. Also items can be left in the class room at the end of the hallway passed the kitchen. Please note that all items must be left before April 19th. A lunch counter will be provided by the Welcome Class. Please come to shop and eat.
To all the people of this congregation and to others unknown, we want to extend our deepest gratitude. We want to thank all of you for your thoughtfulness and kindness that was extended to our immediate family in our recent bereavement at the loss of our wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother, Ruth Ann McDanel. Death drops by and it’s hard to cope. We would also like to thank the “Bereavement Committee” for your kindness shown, to all who sent cards, gifts, flowers, and food. To the Deacons who prepared food. Please know that it was all greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. Also Pastor Dan – when strength was needed for all of us who were that Saturday evening (12/27/14) – the songs, the prayers, and the reassurance.
Ben McDanel and family
Dear members and friends of Wurtemburg church: Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus. It was a great honor and pleasure for me to share in Lord’s Day worship with you on Sunday, February 22, and to bring a word from scripture for your challenge and encouragement in ministry. Thank you for your warm welcome and generous hospitality. I am so glad to know your congregation better, and grateful for the ways your members and officers have shared in the mission of this presbytery over the years. Know that the ministry of Wurtemburg church will remain in my thoughts and prayers. If there are ways I or the presbytery can further support you in your worship and witness, I trust you will let me know. May the Lord continue to bless you in this season.
Gratefully, Ralph Hawkins
Executive Presbyter and Stated Clerk,
Shenango Presbytery
Hope you are all keeping warm. Curt is glad he doesn’t have to chop wood, haul it to the cellar and keep the furnace going this winter. He was asked to be on the Grounds Advisory Committee and went to a meeting last week for that. I am going to a beginning art class on Friday mornings for 8 weeks. It will be nice to see what Copeland Oaks looks like when Spring arrives. Our chorale sang the anthem for the community Lenten service here in the chapel last Wednesday evening.
Thank you to everyone who helped in anyway with our first indoor yard sale on Saturday, March 7. There were 18 tables of sale items, kitchen with food items and a table of delicious bake sale donations. We had a great crowd and make a profit of over $500 for the roof project. Plans are being made for a summer yard sale on August 8 in the shelter. Mark your calendars now!
A great time was held on Saturday, February 28 when the Sanctuary Jazz played a variety of music. Over 70 attended (not counting the band members) to enjoy the music and get up a dance. Those attending brought Food Pantry donations and the table overflowed! Congregational Committee members and Sanctuary Jazz Band members are hoping to have a summer concert in the shelter area. More information will be coming.