January 2015
Continental Breakfast
The monthly breakfast will begin at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, January 4. We will also be celebrating October birthdays and anniversaries. After breakfast – why not try out a Sunday School class?
Food Pantry
Our collection for the Ellwood City Ministerium Food Bank will be on Sunday, January 4. Donations of food and paper products are greatly appreciated. Donations can be left in the narthex.
Humanitarian Fund
Our monthly collection for the humanitarian fund will be held on Sunday, January 4. All loose monies in the offering are given to this fund, which is used by the pastor to help those in need. The balance is currently a little over $500.
Committees and Session
The next committee meetings will be held on Sunday, January 11 following the worship service. A lunch is provided. Session members will gather at 1 p.m.
Cookie Time
It’s soldier cookie collection time again. The soldiers enjoy receiving homemade cookies from home. We will be wrapping cookies on Sunday, January 11 following the worship service. A lunch is provided. Help from ALL ages is greatly appreciated.
Website and Facebook
The church has had a facebook account for some time. Are you a friend? Check it out at Wurtemburg Presbyterian Church. We recently began a website. It is still a work in progress but check it out at www.wurtemburgpresbyterianchurch.com
Church Wooden Wall Hangings
We are still selling wooden church replicas at the low cost of $7 each or 3 for $21. A display is in the narthex. Please see Cindy Rosaci (724-758-6785) to make a purchase. All proceeds benefit the roof project.
Shenango Presbytery presents Leaderfest 2015 on Saturday, January 17 from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Location this year is Westminster College and New Wilmington Presbyterian Church, New Wilmington, PA.
The schedule of events begins at New Wilmington Presbyterian Church at 8:30-8:55 for registration and breakfast. The worship/keynote is from 9-10 a.m. at Wallace Memorial Chapel. Dr. Roger Owens will speak on “Innovating Life with God: Keys to Missional Leadership in the Congregation”.
Workshops will be at Old Main. The (A) workshops are from 10:05-11:05 a.m. with a break from 11:05-11:20 and the (B) workshops are from 11:20 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
1. (A) workshops are:
2. “Partnering with God: Lay Leaders as Missional Leaders” by Roger Owens
3. “Clerks of Session” by Amy Na
4. “Leadership Alignment” by Anthony Kladitis
5. “Within and Beyond: Deploying our Deacons, Part 1” by Ralph Hawkins;
6. “Kids Scribble on Sundays!” by Augie Hurst and the Children’s Ministry Team from Lebanon Church
7. “Praying the Alphabet: Spiritual Practices to Ask, Begin, Center and Do” by Lisa Hickman
(B) workshops are:
1. “Partnering with God: Lay Leaders as Missional Leaders” by Roger Owens
2. “Within and Beyond: Deploying our Deacons, Part 2” by Ralph Hawkins
3. “The Mlssional Outpost: A Fresh Perspective of Buildings and Grounds” by Sean Hall
4. “Blessings and Benefits of Mission Involvement” by Rich Kinney, Miriam Gwin, and the Mission, Communication and Stewardship Committee
5. “What’s So Great About the Great Commission?” by Kang Na
Registration is $20 per person, which includes meals. Early birds pay only $15 per person if registered by January 6. Registration forms are available in the narthex.
Comforting the Bereaved Service
It can be difficult when you lose a loved one. Your church family is here to support you in many ways. A few years ago we began a time of “comforting the bereaved service”. We as a church family come together at your first visitation time at the funeral home and offer a time of support through scripture and prayer. A grapevine cross is also presented to the family. How can you receive this? Call Clerk of Session Cindy Rosaci (724-758-6785) and let her know that you would like us to come to the funeral home and she will make the arrangements with the board of elders and deacons. We are also trying to pass the arrangements through the prayer chain to involve all church members. Please let Cindy know if you would her to call you also.
Financial Report
(Through November)
Year to date received $130,647.35
Year to date expenses $131,625.93 (-$978.58)
1. Great news – all mission pledges have been paid! Thank you for your generous support!
2. We continue to make monthly roof loan payments to the Presbytery office. We have raised a total of $13,199.96 through December 21. Thank you for your faithful support!
3. The 2015 Per Capita apportionment breakdown is as follows:
Presbytery of Shenango $28.06
Synod of the Trinity 2.20
General Assembly 7.07
Total Apportionment $37.33
The total amount due for our congregation is $4,852.90.
Quilt for Sale
Our quilter’s have been busy! They have pieced and quilted a log cabin design quilt. The quilt is 7’8” by 68” and is on display in the narthex. They are selling the quilt for $225 with the proceeds to be given to the roof fund. Please see Helen Blinn or call the church office for more information.