December 2014

December 2014
"Didn't I just put the Christmas decorations away?" That's what I was thinking as I sat in my living room the other night. No, it wasn't yesterday, but almost eleven months ago. Time surely does fly. We ahve entered a season of the year that can be nothing more then frantic activities with family and friends. Our schedules become overloaded and our stamina becomes drained.
How sad it would be if that were all there was to offer the world.
Fortunately, God offers us much more - Advent is the season to reflect upon our greatest gift, Christ's birth, ministry, death, and resurrection.
Be sure you set aside time for such reflection. Your church has a variety of activities to do so and I encourage you to use those as an opportunity to make this year less stressful, more enjoyable and uplifting.
May this Advent enable us to be fully prepared to celebrate Christmas in all its fullness.
Your Pastor and Friend in Christ, Dr. Dan
Dr. Dan will lead a three-week Advent Study. Wednesday, 10 a.m. or 7 p.m. on the following days:
December 3rd "Mary's Confusion" Luke 1:26-38
December 10th "Mary's Song" Luke 1:46-56
December 17th "Mary's Not So Silent Night" Luke 2:1-20
The weekly study will be held twice, once in the morning and once in the evening to provide an opportunity for those who can't attend one session they may be able to attend the other. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join you.
December 7th Second Sunday of Advent, "Not Just After We Die"
Isaiah 40:1-11; 2 Peter 3:8-15; Mark 1:1-8
December 14th Third Sunday of Advent, "Joy, Prayer, and Thanksgiving"
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; I Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28
December 21st Fourth Sunday of Advent, "A Christmas Greeting From God"
Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20
December 28th Fist Sunday After Christmas Day, "Simeon's Song"
Isaiah 61:10-62:3; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40
The monthly breakfast will begin at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, December 7th. We will also be celebrating December birthdays and anniversaries. After breakfast - why not try out a Sunday School class?
Our collection for the Ellwood City Ministerium Food Bank will be on Sunday, December 7th. Donations of food and paper products are greatly appreciated. Donations can be left in the narthex.
Our monthly collection for the humanitarian fund will be held on Sunday, December 7th. All loose monies in the offering are given to this fund which is used by the pastor to help those in need.
Christ Presbyterian Church will be presenting the Boar's Head again this year. See Patti Phillippi for free tickets for the Sunday, December 7th 5 p.m. show which are available for our congregation to attend as a group. Those who wish can gather at McDonald's following the presentation to enjoy a meal together.
The next committee meetings will be held on Sunday, December 14th following the worship service. A lunch is provided. Session members will gather at 1 p.m.
It's soldier cookie collection time again. The soldiers enjoy receiving homemade cookies from home. We will be wrapping cookies on Sunday, December 14th following the worship service. A lunch is provided. Help from ALL ages is greatly appreciated.
A family night dinner will be held at the church on Sunday, December 14th beginning at 5:30 p.m. We will gather in the sanctuary following the meal for a time of fellowship (formerly called Light Up Night).
The Sanctuary Jazz Band will be presenting a Christmas concert at Calvin Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 21 (time to be announced). This will be an enjoyable evening to come relax and enjoy the sound of beautiful music.
Dear Friends at Wurtemburg,
Thank you so much for your prayers, cards and support. We have moved in and are enjoying the many benefits of being at Copeland Oaks. Our address is 800 S 15th St., Apt. 1050, Sebring, OH 44672.
Curtis & Ruth Marshall
Saturday, December 20th, 2 p.m. in our Sanctuary
We have the privilege of being the host for the first "Blue Christmas" Service being conducted jointly by the Slippery Rock Presbyterian, Wurtemburg United Methodist and the Wurtemburg Presbyterian Churches.
This event is designed to bring a measure of comfort to those in our community who will be experiencing their first Christmas after the death of a loved one. This is often a difficult time of the year when those who have experienced such a loss find it difficult to participate in all of society's celebrations. It truly is a time when many are feeling as though it will be a "Blue Christmas".
This is open to anyone in the surrounding area so feel free to offer an invitation to any of your friends or neighbors who may be in such a place this year. Watch for additional information.
Session members have called a congregational meeting for Sunday, December 28th following the worship service. Purpose of the meeting is to approve the 2015 pastor's salary, election of officers and proposed by-law changes.
Are you looking for Christmas gifts already? We are selling wooden church replica ornaments at the low cost of $7 each or 3 for $21. A display is in the narthex. Please see Cindy Rosaci (724-758-6785) to make a purcase. All proceeds benefit the roof project.
It can be difficult when you lose a loved one. Your church family is here to support you in many ways.
A few years ago we began a time of "comforting the bereaved service". We as a church family come together at your first visitation time at the funeral home and offer a time of support through scripture and prayer. A grapevine cross is also presented to the family.
How can you receive this? Call Clerk of Session Cindy Rosaci (724-758-6785) and let her know that you would like us to come to the funeral home and she will make the arrangements with the board of elders, deacons and congregation.
Liturgist Greeters Hospital Visitation
December 7 Dr. Dan Stinson Ethel Caccia, Patty Ottobre Dave Cook, Joe Cisco
December 14 Dr. Dan Stinson Chris & Lori McCowin Sharon Pistorius, Donna Cook
December 21 Dr. Dan Stinson Harold & Sally Pander Bill & Harriet Marshall
December 28 Dr. Dan Stinson Dave & Joyce Schweinsberg Julia Cisco, Ruth Marshall
Ushers: Bill Marshall, Harold Pander, Norma Fisher, Scott McCarty, Kevin McCarty